Digimon adventure online games

Play Digimon online now

Bakugan Battle Brawlers hit the Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PS3, Xbox 360 and PS2 with 200 player cards, a create-a-brawler customise mode, 16 characters, 40 Bakugans, 24 levels and the ability to play Digimon adventure online games via WiFi.

Digimon World Championship is also out and it’s looking better than ever. The game features over 200 Digimon to hunt, capture and train ready for battle across the huge sprawling digital world. With environments such as snowy mountains, sandy deserts, and lush jungles, you can expect to find many new and interesting Digimon. Don’t forget to visit each area during the day and at night if you want to spot some of the more elusive creatures.

As expected in a classic Digimon online adventure game you can use the DS wireless communication or Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to experience some great battles with rival tamers – head to the Digimon World Championship page and you’ll be hunting down and capturing the strongest Digimon in the Wild.

Digimon adventure online games

Digimon adventure online game, Digimon World Championship, Digimon, online games, adventure, DS, Digimon World Championship release date

Related: Pokemon Diamond Pearl review, Pokemon Mystery Dungeons release date

See also:

267 Responses

  1. omar says:

    i would like to play this game because it sounds fun

  2. Symons says:

    I would like to play this games because it is fun

  3. Symons says:

    I would like to play this games it sound fun

  4. matt says:

    I like Digimons

  5. Well are you going to put the game on or what hurry the heck up im waiting forever on this

  6. lizzy says:

    wher do u get it from?????

  7. torstein says:

    i would like to play this game cause i like digimons

  8. max says:

    i want 2 play the stupit game man

  9. amiel says:

    whare could i play these

  10. amiel says:

    whare could i play these where when ahhhhhh! guilmon matrix evulution guilmon digivolves to galacmon uhhhh! gargomon digivolves to mega gargomon see im adicted to digimon

  11. sofia says:

    i wanna play this thing now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait!!!!!! when is it gonna be?!?!?!?!?!

  12. ezza says:

    can sum 1 make mi account plz

  13. lizzy says:

    is it gonna be like the new seasons :( or the old 1st season:)

  14. Haqimi2 says:

    I had already play this games. It so cool.

  15. darklance says:

    where and when can we download and pay this ?? make it fast pleas :P

  16. ur mother says:

    digimon is very old 1 la…
    digimon…lik a stupid child game…
    onli stupid child will b ply onli…
    ediot game…i hate…noob game…

  17. IZHAM AFIQ says:


  18. leandro says:

    i love digimon

  19. Marcus says:

    where do you get it and when does it even come out and do need to pay cuz it looks so cool and awesome

  20. matt says:

    how do u play this game

  21. matt says:

    i dont know how

  22. matt says:

    plz someone tell me

  23. matt says:

    do u know darklance

  24. matt says:

    do u know lizzy

  25. matt says:

    plz someone tell

  26. matt says:

    can someone at least tell me how to make a account on this digimon game

  27. iska says:

    I like digimons.Becose there are red digimons.The digimon i like is guilmon.

  28. Riho says:

    Where can i gt dis game…As the fan of digimon,I also can’t wait to play it. It sounds interesting! Do u have any idea how to get digimon world to game n digimon world 3 game that are free?

  29. XXforce bladerXX says:

    well, the digimon i like the most is metalkabuterimon and wargarurumon

  30. ami says:

    i like digimon because digimon are the best.

  31. ami says:

    digimon are digital

  32. yamato97 says:

    i like digimon because i like all the digimon.
    where to play digimon adventure?please tell me,i really like digimon

  33. Wai Hong says:

    I love digimon .When I found this website I am very happy.I hope to play
    this game.I just love it very much

  34. lote says:

    I like AGUMON because agumo is a most stronger.

  35. wwe says:

    hi all….do u all have id at moasiang?

  36. lowell says:

    how to play this game

  37. examon says:

    what is the championship like?

  38. fermin says:

    i wana play tis game but how 2 play????

  39. kaizermon says:

    digimons are stupid .i hate digimons its boring try pokemon instead

  40. key says:

    where do i play because i like digimon since i was 7 years old digimon has been my favorite show and still is. where do i go to to play this game?

  41. i love digimon. i really want to play this game

  42. ales says:

    can i play digimon games?where can i find it?

  43. plsssss on this games hurry because i am very like digimon games…..

  44. Kuwelka says:

    this is the coolest thing eva,for those hu say it sucks,well, ur mama is a flirt

  45. apit says:

    ang pangit naman!!!!!!1111

  46. ANGAH says:


  47. ANGAH says:


  48. takari says:

    how can i play this game?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Miaka Yuki says:

    even thought i m a girl i do like digimon. i watch it everyday on youtube!

  50. Miaka Yuki says:

    I like digimon really much even thought i m a girl.I watch it everyday on Youtube.

  51. stupid says:

    wat a stupid game is this

  52. T.K says:

    digimon is awsome!

  53. T.K says:

    I have a greymon but I wanted a monochromon

  54. T.K says:

    how do I get a monochromon

  55. T.K says:

    hey wargreymon my greymon can beat you up, until i want him to stop

  56. T.K says:

    monochromon is the best!

  57. T.K says:

    sorry wargrey mon i got carried away.

  58. matt says:

    were is T.k?

  59. dock says:

    so this game is still in the making?

  60. Ng Chwen Yang says:

    cool,but how do i play this game.i wish this game is a bit like maple story but not RPG.If Rpg no way i playing

  61. azrath says:

    where can I play this game???

  62. choon says:

    can i play this game, or not????????????????????????????

  63. Andrew says:

    I like fire works and Bone fire night but i like this game the most please work i like this game so badly please can u work please oh please

  64. Mimi says:

    Who likes patamon??????…….

  65. I LIKE ZUDOMN!!!!!!

  66. HELLO,I AM ZUDOKABUTERIMON!!!!!!!!!………..

  67. zack says:

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn when this game are going to pop up i really like digimon than pokemon because pokemon have to train than it will evolve and thare only three stage only my buddy is a pokemon maniac. digimon have 5 stage and 5 is my favaroute number oh yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. dock says:

    i always llike wargraymon

  69. I LIKES HOLYANGEMON!!!!!!!!!!……………….

  70. fhon says:

    i like this game because it has cool adventures in it

  71. laaaaaa….laaaaaaaaa…..laaaaa

  72. GEOMON says:


  73. zamma says:

    Pokemon are cool but Digimon are awesome my favorite Digimon is Falcomon
    and his evolutions are unbeatable i hope it is based on digimon data squad cause it will have the burst mode and stuff and his burst mode will be very strong ill beat you all

  74. matt says:

    digimons are so cool i wish to play the game my favourite digimon is gaomon because its evoulution is unbeatable

  75. i like lilimon because she is beautiful.

  76. atiqah says:

    i like agumon because he is fun.

  77. atiqah says:

    i like birdmon because she is strong .

  78. atiqah says:

    i like angemon because he is strong.

  79. atiqah says:

    everyday i watch digimon. the digimon is strong an kind ilike them .

  80. Quini says:

    Is every one here dislexic?

  81. poker says:

    alll this game are very super * games

  82. azlan says:

    i like this game cause i love .:DIGIMON:.

  83. saiful says:

    hi azlan i like this game to cause i like digimon to

  84. bee says:

    I love digimon like agumon,piyomon,tentomon,gomamon,gabumon and all.

  85. bee says:

    the evil is devimon,pimon,ladydevimon.

  86. poker says:

    I like digimon

  87. bee says:

    I watch digimon

  88. bee says:

    I like baby digimon likes koromon,tanemon,tsumon,motimon,tokomon.

  89. torstein says:

    i love digimon and wach it to

  90. sabrina says:

    i like digimon

  91. Woo says:

    I used to like Pokemon a lot. Then I remember how much I got annoyed by everything that stupid whiny little snot nosed kid Ash would cry about. No wonder why his Charizard didn’t listen to him at first.

    Digimon was far superior to Pokemon. Digimon had more of a bad ass, hey we could be in danger feel. Pokemon just had some snot from Pallet town trying to win gay badges and force his Pokemon into slavery.

    Digimon had way better monsters, and they can always go back and forth with evolutions. Pokemon you were stuck, and most of the evolutions sucked anyway. Oh yeah lets have the monster not be able to say anything but their own dumbass name.

    Digimon PWNS,OWNS,RAPES Pokemon

    Agumon all the way baby!

    Cant wait for this game.

  92. pack says:

    digimon is so cool.

  93. silviu says:

    i like digimon

  94. james says:

    i like beelzemon, lalamon, garudamon, gatomon, patamon, neptunomon, machgaomon, terriermon, gargomon, rapidmon, megagargomon, kazemon, omnimon, vikemon, lillymon, metalmamemon, kimeramon, azulongmon, angewomon, angemon, flybeemon, silphymon, nefeterimon and wargarurumon !!!1 : }

  95. yamato friends says:

    I like gabumon and garurumon because it strong.

  96. bee says:

    I like baby digimon and chlid digimon.

  97. bee says:

    I like wargreymon,garurumon,omnimon doromon.
    the evil digimon blackagumon and blackgabumon.

  98. asker says:

    anyone know how to get it free?

  99. yasmin says:

    i like digimon

  100. amisya says:

    i like digimon

  101. super pig says:

    what website of the digimon online game?

  102. ilike digimon frontiers

  103. lisa cute says:

    hei,i love yamato ishida,but why did he marry sora.i want taichi to marry her.

  104. William Teoh says:

    Digimon adventure to is the best

  105. francesco says:

    digimon is asome !i like dinosur digimon like agumon and guilmon there ataks rule!i wach digimon on youtube and i own 3 games.digimon is the coolest!

  106. francesco says:

    hello every one hoo uses this website if you have any qustoins about digimon world campion ship right down a list of qustoins on this website .i own the game.

  107. francesco says:

    hey does anyone want to learn about digimon world champion ship!

  108. francesco says:

    william if you read this measage i agree with you digimon adventure rules!

  109. davey says:

    I like Agumon , greymon ,metal greymon and scargreymon because they very strong

  110. DigiMon Rock!!!!!! You can’t beat me

  111. bb says:

    hello digimon

  112. bb says:

    can i boro you digimon………….

  113. bb says:

    i love u yamato i can kiss you yamato

  114. bb says:

    i love u yamato

  115. bb says:

    i like Digimon

  116. yamato says:

    i love u to bb

  117. Seraphimon says:

    how do i get this game F5 and anyone here plays maple???

  118. Seraphimon says:

    i really love digimon my favorite digimon is Taomon

  119. Seraphimon says:

    i wanna play this game how do i get it

  120. Seraphimon says:

    i also like seraphimon and shakkoumon too

  121. Seraphimon says:

    i kinda like rosemon, marineangemon, .phoenixmon, and herculeskabuterimon!!!!

  122. the good wargreymon platamon pheonixmon taomon the evil devimon

  123. accritiamon says:

    nice to speak a digimon world…
    how do you take digimon online?

  124. Patamon!* says:

    Patamon And Angemon Are The BEST!!!!!!!

  125. ron says:

    runescape is most best game ever just download java and
    u can control ur own player online missively game have fun theire guys!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya theire

  126. Johnny says:

    would i have to but this game for a system or somthing

  127. r1faldi says:

    papakah patamon itu is the best ???????

  128. angemon says:

    i like digimon n i like to watch angemon he is very cold

  129. jehan kaya says:

    hai saya minat metal garurumon

  130. Sid says:

    I love taichi

  131. aini_ini says:

    i love patamon,lilimon and palmon

  132. aini_ini says:

    x sangatla r1faldi tapi aku suka gak

  133. yo joe says:

    aku suke lah lagu mule die

  134. NO AGOMON S THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  135. i really like digimon because you can have fun and look at lots of games with more digimon like,Digimon world 4,Digimon DS,Digimon dawn

  136. i really like digimon because you can have fun and look at lots of games with more digimon like,Digimon world 4,Digimon DS,Digimon dawn.

  137. giorgos says:

    ta digimon world einai ta kalytera

  138. giorgos says:

    DIGIMON WORLD 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

  139. giorgos says:

    PACK B IS THE BEST IN DIGIMON WORLD 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  140. giorgos says:


  141. zamba says:

    Is anybody online?

  142. ben says:

    digimon and ben10 is my favorite game forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  143. TKC says:

    digimon that i like is Kotamon

  144. FERY says:


  145. agumon says:

    I love digimon 4ever……..

  146. waleed says:

    i love digimon world is my life

  147. max says:

    no body can erase my love o digimon world no body can and if they erased it of televison i will kill the person who did that and then iwill bring it on television and for ever in prison

  148. max says:

    digimon rocks everything else sucks

  149. max says:

    no body can erase my love o digimon world no body can and if they erased it of televison i will kill the person who did that and then i will bring it on television and watch it for ever in prison

  150. i have watch all seasons of digimon


  152. Bobomon says:

    Is it free??? Battle of wild data…

  153. Guillermo says:

    I have the game and it ok but when you get farther in the game it get difficult

  154. faith says:

    i love kouichi

  155. faith says:

    kouichi is the best and of couse i must like his brother koji

  156. faith says:

    i have a sweet adorable child who i’ll like to grow up liking digimon yugioh inuyasha pokemon and many more and even if she doesn’t she’ll still make me happy

  157. iiraishei viira says:

    WOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!so comment!!!!!!!!!!1i like digimon too!!!!!!!!!!!!If U wanna now how to play this game,u better ask an ASSHOLE!i don’t even know how to play it!!!!!!!!how stupid this game is!!!!!!!!11damn it!!!!!!!!!

  158. iiraishei viira says:

    WOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!so many comment!!!!!!!!!!1i like digimon too!!!!!!!!!!!!If U wanna now how to play this game,u better ask an ASSHOLE!i don’t even know how to play it!!!!!!!!how stupid this game is!!!!!!!!11damn it!!!!!!!!!

  159. izal123 says:

    digimon is the best game/t.v. show ever made!

  160. lindi says:

    ich liebe digimon sooooooooooooooooooo fil und mier gefelt agumon palmon amadilomon biomon gomamon tentomon gatomon patamon hokmon und fiele andre.

  161. marcio says:

    marcio ami me gusta mucho agumon y gabumon tambien patamon y gatamon

  162. Tom says:

    NO PIYOMON IS YHE BEST DIGIMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  163. yamato99 says:

    i like metalgarurumon
    and hollyangemon
    u know where i can play digimon games
    i don’t no man….
    u can help me…

  164. sora says:


  165. sora says:

    i like all digimon and pokemon

  166. porus says:

    PLEASE!sign me up

  167. IBRAHIM says:


  168. kagi says:

    i love dis game i av a war greymon a magna angemon and a metal gururumon and its really sik!

  169. landi says:

    i love all digimon …..

  170. vincent says:

    i want to rigister

  171. Colt says:

    Dude wargreymon is not really the best shinegreymon’s better

  172. sup says:

    this game more fun on ds cuz u can take it eney were and the game is rilly fun

  173. john says:

    lol this game is repedidtive and gets kinda bs on u cuz it digivolves to any random digimon

  174. you know why my name is Shinegreymon because I have a Shinegreymon and he’s my strongest digimon and I have skullmammothmon,eaglemon,saberleomon,princemamemon,dracomon and pharaohmon

  175. I forgot my others there’s 1000 of them but I couldn’t tell you guy’s all of them I could tell you guy’s some of them I have Warumonzaemon,mamemon,magnaangemon,dragomon and phenixmon

  176. omnimon says:

    i think in the digimon have more power its agumon

  177. oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my digimon world championship is gone!

  178. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I just want my Digimon World Championship back!

  179. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I just want my Digimon World Championship back! .. ^

  180. ren says:

    whhooooohoooo patamon’s d best

  181. chris says:

    this game can not be downloaded it is only for the ds and the only thing that the onlione part is that you can battle people with a wi-fi connection so you have to have internet to battle with ppl across the world.

  182. chris says:

    you have to have a ds to play this game.

  183. kitekat says:

    digimon is very very boring, i hate that game and you guys are al DIGIFREAKS

  184. lol my mom just ordered that game today and it looks awsome

  185. i like digimon forever

  186. aina says:

    digimon is sooo cool and pokemen i love it sooo ch its like the best of all

  187. ReNaMoN says:

    DiGiMoN Is CoOl AND NiCe VeRy GoOd I lOvE You DiGImon

  188. T.K 2 says:


  189. T.K 2 says:


  190. T.K 2 says:


  191. andrei says:

    umm but if you get 2 ipdramonsfm you wil be the best ever cause i beat digimon mission of gaia orgin only with 2 ip dramon fm and 1 appolomon

  192. a beeb says:

    u alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll suck whatever it is called ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm o yeah ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm o yeah umm digimon suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

  193. ben says:

    The digimon I like is greymon because it digivolves from agumon

  194. Mr.Poring says:

    the first digimon game (or at least i think it was first) the one for the play station was the best

  195. rayan says:

    some people don’t like digimon !! but it’s okay because they think they are too big!! and digimon is cool and always the best!!

  196. ryuke says:

    hi there for everyone, who bests love and supports the digimon more than the ugliest Pokemon, please add me at face book

    let’s all merge together as one





















    ….trust me

  197. agumon 1o1 says:

    digimon should be number one on the game list agumon rules.Ican never get my agumon to turn into greymon an greymon turn into meatlgreymon

  198. jim says:

    omg how meny coments

  199. roger says:

    i love digemone

  200. jhardy says:

    hi im jhardy me like to play digimon can u tell me where I can find digimon online level up

  201. u guys who like digimon is sucks..
    digimon sucks..
    people who loves digimon sucks..
    u all sucks..

  202. agumon 1 o 1 sucks
    rayan sucks
    and ryuke, u are the most losers among all this digimon lover losers..
    all of u loser, get a life..

  203. hey! this is not a stupid child game ya know!

  204. ryuke your right pokemons are ugly

  205. too bad i played it but……I WAS DEAFEATED

  206. you all yes ALL of you know why my name is bla bla veemon? right? oh come on! because i have a action vigure veemon

  207. Blast says:

    think digimon dusk/dawn better

  208. queso says:

    wow man are these people even real well some of them are but you know i wish they made a digimon game online thats for real with all th classic adventures and trainings.

  209. aina says:

    i would love to make my own digimon… my digimon name is tamamon.. it has blader fire..

  210. digimonwannabegamer says:

    i hope digimon has a gae for psp! (T-T)

  211. cat says:

    me wanna pay digimun no wurld git out uf ma terrerory

  212. jemimah says:

    this is really bad and what’s the word again uhh can’t remember anyway

  213. jhustin says:

    iwant to be a digimon my favorite digimon is angemon

  214. joey says:

    this is the best game ever

  215. mijan says:

    i know ogumon digivolves to geogreymon geogreymon digivolves to rizegreymon rizegreymon digivolves to shinegreymon and then shinegreymon burst mode and galmon digivolves to gaogamon gaogamon digivolve to machgoagamon machgaogamon digivolves to miragegoagamon and then theres miragegaogamon burst mode and thers raramon and she digivolve to sunflowmon and digivolves to lilamon and then rosemon and rosemon burst mode and agumon karemon kurisarimon and garuromon and tokomon and galetmon and dinosmon and craniamon and kudamon and beyumon and chrinmon and kenterasmon and pawnchessmon and vicioschessmon

  216. david says:

    I like the games because of the digimon

  217. venkatesh says:

    digimon,pokemon,beyblade,dragon ball z,transformers are my favorite cartoon network shows

  218. ahmad syamil azim says:


  219. devon says:


  220. how to play this game. i totally digimon freak, think it best thing in world.

  221. agu man says:

    mi fav r shn grey wargrey apolo an ophani+seraphi

  222. Markese says:


  223. richard says:

    nc one i love this game

  224. aele aela says:

    i like digimon game i want to play forever i love digimon

    digimon adventure

  225. joey says:

    were can you play this online cuse i lost mine when i went to organ for thanksgiveing

  226. my favrite digimon is metal graymon

  227. tamer king says:

    i am a tamer king all ready all my digimon are mega digimon

  228. I think pokemon , digimon and beyblade;Metal Fusion are vary cool !!! I love tham! I got a lot of pokemon stuff and some digimon things too! I am a true fan! I like SaberLeomon ,Gaomon,Salamon,GaoGamon,Kyubimon,Gatomon , Firamon and Kyubimon! They can beat anyone!!!!! Vary cool Digimon!

  229. Tai says:

    this is a ds game!

  230. achi says:

    i like this game very much because digimon is my favourite cartoon an d ilika this game as much as i like when i watch digimon episodes .

  231. patrick says:

    its not that fun…….i hate it…..i prefer digimon dawn and dusk

  232. nathan says:

    i love digimon i have all the latest films from 1- 20

  233. gamylord says:

    i would like to play this game sounds like fun!

  234. herman says:

    good for digimon

  235. Karirocks says:

    ur mother u stinkin suck digimon rule!!!

    im makin a digimonsite soon plz vist and make digimon populer!!

    GO KARI!!!

  236. i love digimon my favourite is teriermon


  238. everyone should go to the digitallworld some how!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  239. i cant do it so im gonna watch DIGIMON on youtube

  240. yoga says:

    I like digimon

  241. BASTIAN says:

    como capturar digimon

  242. BASTIAN says:

    como capturar digimons

  243. magnamon says:

    i played it and im a pro except all my digimon turned to eggs =( but they grew back into megas again lol

  244. magnamon says:

    i wish,…. Digimon Was Real! *sniff* *sniff* im never giving up on my dream, AAAARRRRRHHHH

  245. Adrian says:

    I want to play this game but I can’t play it

  246. Lunamon says:

    … I’m too adicted to Lunamon wat am i going to do?! :(

  247. nick says:

    i want to play this game it seems fun

  248. Jade says:

    I really like digimon my favorite digimon is Lalamon!!!!!!!!

  249. aditya says:

    i lofe you full digimon

  250. i like digimonnnnnnnnnnnn

  251. zac says:

    ugumon rocks. old series better than new

  252. bellzemon says:

    ilove lots of things but digimon takes it to the next level

  253. jai says:

    poo is every thing exept digimon

  254. Pzone says:

    if u hate digimon so much then why did u look it up to find this website!